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Prospective Marriage (Temporary) Visa

Subclass 300 Visa - (Class TO)


Who Can Apply For Prospective Marriage Subclass 300 Visa?


You can apply for a Prospective Marriage visa if you are at least 18 years old and intend to marry your Australian prospective spouse (Sponsor). Your sponsor/prospective spouse must be an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, or an Eligible New Zealand citizen at least 18 years old. This Prospective Marriage visa is also known as the Australian Fiancé visa.



Main Benefits of Subclass 300 Visa


Of course, besides staying with your prospective spouse, if you are granted this visa, you will have the rights to:

  1. live, work, and study in Australia for up to 9 months;

  2. Marry your prospective spouse in Australia;

  3. Apply for your onshore subclass 820 Partner visa (temporary).​


​What You Need For a Prospective Marriage Visa?​


  • You must be outside Australia when you make your Prospective Marriage visa application.

  • You must genuinely intend to marry an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, or an Eligible New Zealand citizen;

  • You both must be planning to marry within the validity of your Fiancé visa (i.e., 9 months);

  • You both must genuinely intend to live together as the spouse of each other after marriage;

  • Your marriage must take place with free will and consent and without any coercion;

  • You and your Australian prospective spouse must be 18 years of age or older.

  • You must have met with the prospective spouse since you both turned 18. (Online ‘meeting’ is not considered meeting in person for Prospective Marriage visa purposes).

  • Your marriage with your prospective spouse must be recognized as valid under Australian laws.

  • You must be able to satisfy the Health Requirements for this Visa (for example, you must be clear of any serious medical condition that may put others in danger);

  • You must be able to satisfy the Character Requirements for this Visa, (for example, you must not have a substantial criminal record);

  • Your prospective spouse must sponsor you for this Visa who is, generally, 18 years of age or over.

  • Your Sponsor must not be prohibited from sponsoring you. 

  • Sponsor must be willing and able to comply with all the sponsorship obligations;

  • Parties must be willing to disclose any adverse information to each other. The Department may share any negative information about one party with the other party (For example, information related to any criminal history).

  • You must be outside Australia when you are granted your Prospective Marriage visa.



Practical Tips


  • Satisfying a Visa Officer that you intend a genuine relationship with your prospective spouse requires careful planning and a good deal of documentary evidence. You must consider and collect all the information and evidence that may substantiate your claims of the relationship.

  • When completing the application and forms, you must consider why you are expected to make a particular statement or why a particular question has been inserted in a form. (Remember: most of the statements and questions are in the application/forms for a purpose.)​


Cost of Fiancé visa (Subclass 300)


Main Applicant AUD$8,850 (Exc. any surcharges)


[Once you are granted your Prospective Marriage Visa,​ and your marriage has taken place, you may wish to apply for an onshore Partner visa (subclass 801). If you wish to apply for an onshore Partner visa, you will have to pay a reduced amount in fee. You will not need to pay the full amount of fee for the onshore Partner visa fee]. *There may be additional costs if there is more than one applicant (for example, if you have dependent children included in your application).


See Our Blogs On Prospective Marriage Subclass 300 Visa To Learn More


  • Search ‘Prospective Marriage Visa Australia’ or ‘Fiancé visa subclass 300 Australia’ or ‘Partner Visa Australia' on our Blogs Page.



​Should you wish to discuss your circumstances and options with a Family & Immigration Lawyer, please feel free to Contact Us. We are here to help you with your Prospective Marriage Visa.


Warning! Please note that Australian immigration laws and policies are highly complex and dynamic. Therefore, no information provided on this website in relation to Australian immigration laws and policies (or on any other matter) is intended to be legal advice. Please read our Terms and Conditions.


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