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Do Not Risk Your Partner Visa Application!

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

Many Partner visa applications get refused due to insufficient proof of a genuine and lasting relationship between the applicant and their sponsor. Often, applicants fail to provide the required evidence after submitting their application. They become content with what they have already attached to their Partner visa application at lodgement. A big mistake!

Unfortunately, often, they realise the importance of this evidence only after their application is refused. However, it's too late by then. After refusal, they face long waits and significant costs at the Tribunal stage (where they challenge the refusal of their application). A Partner visa refusal can have a severe negative impact on the relationship itself as well.

Our advice to you is simple: Don't Gamble with Your Partner Visa Application!

What You Need to Do?

Keep providing "four pillar evidence", at least once a month, as long as the immigration authorities are assessing your Partner visa application.

What is "Four Pillar Evidence"?

Partner Visa (Ongoing) Evidence Requirements
Partner Visa (Ongoing) Evidence Requirements

The "Four Pillar Evidence" in the context of Partner visa applications in Australia refers to four key categories of evidence that applicants must provide to demonstrate the genuineness of their spousal or partner relationship. Not providing evidence of any of these pillars may prove fatal to your application. Below is a summary of these requirements:

1. Financial Aspects:

Demonstrating shared financial responsibilities is crucial. This can include joint bank accounts, shared bills, joint liabilities, pooling of financial resources, one person owing any legal obligation in respect of the other partner/spouse, and evidence of financial support between partners. For example, bank statements showing shared expenses, a joint lease agreement, or money transfers from one spouse's bank account to the other.

2. Social Aspects:

Showing that you are an integral part of each other's lives is vital. This can include photographs from social events, invitations addressed to both partners, or testimonies from friends and family who can vouch for the legitimacy of the relationship.

3. Nature of the Household:

Providing evidence of cohabitation is key. Examples include cohabitation, joint responsibility for the care and support of children, living arrangements, sharing of the responsibilities for housework, and correspondence from government agencies addressed to both partners at the same address.

4. Nature of the Commitment:

Proving the long-term commitment is essential. This can include a history of the relationship, such as the duration of the relationship, joint future plans, joint travels, regular contact, reliance upon one another for emotional support, the belief that the relationship is ongoing and long-term, shared travel itineraries, or agreements about raising children together, evidence of pregnancy, etc.

These "Four Pillars" of evidence help convince your visa officer about the genuineness and continuity of your relationship. Ensure you keep supplying sufficient documentation in each of these categories to strengthen your application and minimise the risk of refusal.

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